All rule names start with @stylistic/
JS Rules
These rules are included in the @nish1896/eslint-flat-config/js
and @nish1896/eslint-config/js
Rule Name | Configuration 🔧 |
array-bracket-spacing | |
arrow-parens | as-needed |
arrow-spacing | |
block-spacing | |
brace-style | |
comma-spacing | |
eol-last | |
function-call-argument-newline | consistent |
function-paren-newline | consistent |
indent | 2, { ignoredNodes: ['PropertyDefinition[decorators]', 'MethodDefinition[decorators]', 'ClassBody.body > Decorator']} |
indent-binary-ops | 2 |
key-spacing | |
linebreak-style | |
newline-per-chained-call | |
no-extra-semi | |
no-floating-decimal | |
no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs | |
no-multi-spaces | |
no-multiple-empty-lines | |
no-trailing-spaces | |
object-curly-newline | { consistent: true } |
object-curly-spacing | always |
operator-linebreak | before |
quotes | single |
rest-spread-spacing | |
semi-spacing | |
space-before-blocks | { functions: 'always', classes: 'always', keywords: 'always' } |
space-infix-ops | |
space-unary-ops | |
spaced-comment | |
switch-colon-spacing | |
template-curly-spacing | |
type-annotation-spacing | |
type-generic-spacing | |
type-named-tuple-spacing | |
wrap-regex |
JSX Rules
These rules are included in the @nish1896/eslint-flat-config/jsx
and @nish1896/eslint-config/react
Rule Name | 🔧 |
jsx-closing-bracket-location | |
jsx-closing-tag-location | |
jsx-curly-newline | consistent |
jsx-curly-spacing | |
jsx-equals-spacing | |
jsx-indent | 2 |
jsx-indent-props | 2 |
jsx-one-expression-per-line | { allow: 'literal' } |
jsx-props-no-multi-spaces | |
jsx-quotes | prefer-double |
jsx-self-closing-comp | |
jsx-wrap-multilines | parens-new-line |