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Version: 2.1

Usage with eslint 9


Use @nish1896/eslint-flat-config for eslint version 9 and above.

If you have specified "type": "module" in the package.json of your application, create a eslint.config.js file, else use eslint.config.mjs file.

touch eslint.config.mjs


The js import extends rules from the typescript-eslint package.

import jsConfig from '@nish1896/eslint-flat-config/js';

export default [
rules: {}

React & Vite

Use both js and jsx rules from the package for React and Vite applications.

import jsConfig from '@nish1896/eslint-flat-config/js';
import jsxConfig from '@nish1896/eslint-flat-config/jsx';

export default [
rules: {}


A dedicated ESLint configuration for Next.js applications is now available since version 1.1.0 of the package. It integrates seamlessly with the create-next-app boilerplate, which sets up projects using Next.js version 15. This simplifies setup, ensuring compatibility and optimized linting rules tailored for Next.js applications.

The next module in this package consolidates rules from both js and jsx configurations, extending the stylistic plugin. It leverages the typescript-eslint and other React plugins provided by eslint-config-next, ensuring no need to duplicate plugin configurations for Next.js projects and to prevent the redefine plugin error.

import { dirname } from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import { FlatCompat } from '@eslint/eslintrc';
import nextConfig from '@nish1896/eslint-flat-config/next';

const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = dirname(__filename);

const compat = new FlatCompat({
baseDirectory: __dirname

const eslintConfig = [
...compat.extends('next/core-web-vitals', 'next/typescript')

export default eslintConfig;

Duplicate Import Error

For ESLint 9, the error "Cannot redefine plugin @typescript-eslint" or anything similar occurs because the @typescript-eslint plugin is initialized twice: once from the js config of this package and then from your current configuration. To fix this:

  • Remove @typescript-eslint from the plugins key in your ESLint config.
  • Let the js module of @nish1896/eslint-config manage the plugin initialization.
  • Configure or turn off any rule in the rules key of eslint config.

This approach ensures no duplication while retaining flexibility for rule customization.